1838 Vigilant Committee Notes
The first Vigilant Committee was created in 1838 specifically to aid "colored people in distress". This volume, presented with the permission of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania (HSP), are the case notes of freedom seekers between 1838 and 1842. Meetings notes are also included. These notes have been transcribed in this article.

We are appreciative to the Historical Society of Pennsylvania for permission to show the Vigilant Committee Notes.
Provenance: This volume was handed down to Jacob C. White Jr., most likely from his father Jacob C. White Sr. who was a member of the 1838 Vigilant Committee. White Jr. provided it to the American Negro Historical Society (ANHS). ANHS records passed it on to Leon Gardiner who donated his whole collection to HSP in 1934.
To cite this work please use:
Vigilant Committee of Philadelphia Records (Am .3375), Historical Society of Pennsylvania.